Friday, November 20, 2009

The week from hell!

Were to start? Well I guess I should back track to Monday.... (You may want to get a snack this is gonna be long!)

Monday I had my growth ultrasound and everything went ok. The girls are both doing great. Baby A was 4lbs 13oz and Baby B was 5lbs 10oz. First off the ultrasound tech way OVER measured baby B. I watcher her do it and even made a comment about it. I was really mad. She had a hard time getting A since she is laying in a funny way. So when she did B she just zipped right through and didn't even try to be accurate! Nevy was 5lbs 10oz at BIRTH which was 36 weeks and I had gestational diabetes with Nevy! There is NO WAY a baby who was in the 50th %tile this whole pregnancy gained 3lbs in a month and went from 50% to 75%! Twins gain slower then singletons...not faster! Plus she has been almost the same as her sister this whole pregnancy. My guess puts her at about 5lbs 2oz right now. Anyway... Baby B is still breech and Baby A is in a funny sideway/breech combo. Her butt is in my cervix and she is laying sideways (picture her using my pelvis as a recliner with her butt in my cervix and her head resting on one side and her feet going up my other side). So she isn't head down (boo!) but at least she is no longer a footling breech which lowers the risk if my water breaks at home. I'm still holding out hope that she will flip but at this point it probably wont happen but keep praying anyway!

So after the ultrasound Jose and I went home. It was about 4pm by the time we got home. I had been having a headache most of sunday and even monday. So when I got home I took some Tylenol and laid down. An hour later it was worse instead of better. I had my grandma check my blood pressure and sure enough it was 140/100. I called the Dr.'s office and my Dr. said to head into the hospital. She ran a few tests and everything came back normal. I only had one high reading while there and so she was about to send me home but she asked about my headache and when I tod her I had it since sunday and it wasn't going away she decided to keep me and do a 24 hour urine protein check. I wasn't happy she was keeping me there for the urine check when I could do it at home but my head hurt to much to fight her. So up I went to my room.

Not much really happened the first day. My headache didn't go away even with all kinds of fun meds. I didn't really get much sleep which probably made it worse. The only NICE thing about the hospital was the food. Yes my hospital has some kickass food lol! You get room service whenever you want it and you get to pick off a huge menu lol. Shhhh I'm pregnant with twins all I think of is food! Anyway I finished my test and the next morning (wed) I got the results which were 300mg. That is borderline pre-eclampsia but still low enough not to be to serious.....yet.

That was at 6:30am and I was told to wait for the on call Dr. to come and talk to me before I got to go home. At 7:30am I gave up trying to sleep and order breakfast. Which was awesome lol! Right before my food came I started to have cramps but once my food came I ignored them and ate. I was sorry after I did that b/c they just got worse after all that food. I though maybe I had to go to the bathroom and that was the problem but it wasn't and I figured that out once I went pee and realized I was losing my mucus plug. I went back into the room and called the nurse. I started to get contractions after that. The nurse came in and decided to call the on call Dr. The Dr. came in and what luck I have it was the "Air head" one from last week. She pretty much ignored everything I said and told me I was fine and to go home. I asked her to check my cervix and was told I was 2cm dialted. I was only 1cm the night before and was concerned that I was in ealry labor. Once again I got the brush and was told I could go home. Fine whatever I rather be home then there anyway.

The nurse however was worried about how much I was contracting and decided to hold off on my papers for an hour to see if they came closer together. They never did but she still paged the Dr. anyway just to be safe. The Dr. took 4hrs to get back to her and once again said "Send her home. Early labor can last for days or weeks but make sure she sees her Dr. on friday". So FINALLY at 2pm I got the go ahead to leave but of course I ordered lunch first :) We came home and I passed out I was sooo tired.

Not much happened thursday. Jose took the rest of the week off to help me since the Dr. put me on strict bedrest along with having Dr.'s appt 2 times a week. I was so happy to see Nevy. I missed her so much! She was happy to see Mommy too!

Friday (today) I had my Dr.'s appt and my BP once again was high (141/92). She didn't want to send me back to the hospital since we already know I'm starting to get preeclampsia. It's a lot more common with twins. Twice the blood volume, twice the placentas is going to equal twice the blood pressure. She really thinks I'll be going into labor before it becomes a really issue and she is forced to deliver me. I am in early labor (have been since Wed.) and still keep getting cramps and contractions. However I'm still only 2cm. Dr's guess is the twins arrive before Thanksgiving (which was my guess from day 1). Since they are still breech I'm not getting enough pressure on my cervix to dilate me but all the weight from them is slowly getting things moving. I think my water will break before I go into labor.

She is keeping me on strict bedrest until I deliver which means.......yes the worse possible thing in the world......I CANT GO TO THE MOVIES!!!!!! (Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!) So NO New Moon for me! (insert kicking, crying and screaming here). I was so upset I even BEGGED the Dr. to let me go. She wouldn't give and told me I had to wait to see Rob (guess she is a fan too ;) ). I was so upset even Jose felt bad. I know it's the best for the twins but I was so looking forward to that all week that now I'm in a funk and stuck in the house on what I call "house arrest" and not "bedrest". It sucks but what can I do?? Jose offered to get me the bootleg from a friend but it's not the same as seeing it in the movies. So I guess I'll be seeing New Moon at the movies with two babies stuck to my boobies b/c I'm NOT missing it!

All in all I feel like total crap. The cramps, pressure and contractions are killing me. I cant eat or sleep and now I'm stuck in bed (yes that was for all of you who said I didn't really make any whines during this pregnancy lol). Welcome to the "horrible last weeks of a twin pregnancy". I finally know what all the twin moms were talking about. After 34 weeks it's hell and all you do is take one day at a time! I'll be 35 weeks on Sunday (I had Nevy at 35weeks 5days) and I'm just hoping to get as close to 36 weeks as I can so the babies can come home with me and not get stuck in the NICU.

Ok if your still reading this BLESS YOU b/c I know its a novel by now but I try to keep everyone as up to speed as I can. This pregnancy has been a ride but I know in the end when I'm holding those two cute, pink and screaming babies it will all be worth it. <3

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