Thursday, January 14, 2010

God do I need a nap!

If you can keep up with my sleep deprived brain ( I only had 4hrs of sleep last night b/c Ari had a blow out poop and Celi vomited a 5oz bottle everywhere)I will try and recap the last 2weeks. Lets see....

First off the twins reflux was getting so bad Celi has been vomiting entire feedings (4oz+ bottles). I wash things pretty much all day everyday (I still smell vomit on the bed even after washing everything 3 times. Jose says it's just in my head :insert daydream of smacking him upside the head:). So it was a good thing they had a Dr.'s appt on Monday.

Everything went well. Ari is now 7lbs 6oz, 19 7/8inches and Celi is 7lbs 120z, 20 1/2inches. We have no idea how Celi got bigger then Ari. Arianna eats about 4-6oz more a day then her sister and she sleeps more lol. Guess she just hasn't hit her growth spurt yet. They are both doing great though. Thats over a 2lbs gain for both girls in 4 weeks. However they are STILL under 8lbs which mean we STILL have to avoid young kids and sick people like the plague. :)

Arianna is in the 5th %tile for weight and 5th for height BUT when adjusted for being a preemie she is 35th for weight and 4oth for height.

Araceli is in the 10th %tile for weight and 10th for height BUT when adjusted to being a preemie she is 45th for weight and 50th for height.

The girls wont be caught up to full term babies their age until about 3-4months old. By then they will find a curve and stay with it. Nevy has always been between 45-6oth %tile since she was 3.5 months old (She was also the 5th when born and 10th by 6 week old). The 50th is average. My guess is Ari will be tiny to average and Celi many be slightly over average which is still healthy (anything between 45th- 75th is healthy over that is overweight (depending on the childs height)).

The girls were also given Axid for their reflux. It's like Zantac but a little stronger and it taste better. We are giving it 2 weeks and if it doesnt seem to work we will be going over to Prevacid. So far I'm seeing a 30-50% improvement in their reflux. Celi is still the vomit queen and Ari still has trouble eating. I doubt the Axid will work but anything is better then nothing.

As for Nevy her speech is getting very good! She is such a smart little cookie. We were going to but her in daycare but at the moment it will cost a little much for us. We decided to put her in an advance speech program. It's free through our insurance and will help prepare her for school this Sept. I also think its a better idea then daycare though she only goes a few days a week for like a hour or two. I'm hoping she gets into the program soon. Still waiting to hear back from them.

Well as for me I had my 6 week postapartum check-up. All is back to normal.....well as much as it can be 6 weeks after a twin c-section birth lol. The Dr. gave me the good old "so what kind of birth control do you want?" speech. At the moment I'm breastfeeding thought not fully it's still a very good form of birth control with me having infertility issues and all. So I'm putting off that talk until either my "annual exam" in April or until I stop breastfeeding. She "tried" to talk me into an IUD but that is sooooo not happening (personal reasons). I'll most likely go with the NuvaRing or a low dose pill.

Jose didn't like that conversation b/c of course he wants more kids but I want to enjoy my girls for awhile. I do plan to have all my kids and be done by 30 years old (still have 5 years left). So maybe in 4 years we will have 1 more. Which as long as it's a boy Jose is so on board about no more after that lol hahahaha. Even if it's another girl I'm done lol! The Dr. did say up to a 4th c-section was safe but I'd be pushing it to do more (which I dont plan to go past 3). I will however look into my options of a VBA2C (vaginal birth after 2 c-sections). Not to many Dr.'s do them (got to love Dr's making up risks that are still less then a repeat c-section)but I know a VERY good practice here in Chicago that does them and will be looking into it in the future just to keep my options open. My Dr. wont do them. Not because she wont but b/c the hospital wont allow them. :insert eyeroll:

Ok well that its for now. The kids will be waking up from their naps soon. So I better eat something or I wont see food until 8pm tonight when Jose gets home. lol Which by the way I've lost all 13lbs I gained from pregnancy plus another 17lbs. :) :insert pat on the back: lmao

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