Tuesday, September 8, 2009

24 weeks!

Well we made it to the 24 week mark and so far so good! I had my appt. today and the girls are doing wonderful. Baby A is still breech and Baby B is sideways.....as always lol! I had some cramping Sat. night that I "thought" was just braxton hicks since they went away after I took a bath but it turns out they were contractions. The outside of my cervix did thin a very small amount but nothing to worry about. The inside is still thick/long and I am closed. So it was just a little warning that it's time to slooooooow down. My last day of work is friday and we will be moving by my grandparents very soon since demo is about to start on the house before Oct. So I will be able to go on semi-bedrest if I need to.

I didn't get a growth scan this week but I'll have one at my next appt on 9/22. They should be around 2lbs each by then. My 3hr glucose test went well. I should have the results in the next two days. I hope I passed but since I had it with Nevy I doubt I will. Either way all that matters to me is nice BIG, healthy and at least 34 week twins!

Nevy has been sick with a cold this weekend. It's pretty bad she even lost her voice. My poor baby sounds like a frog when she talks. Once she gets over this cold we will all be going into CVS for our regular flu shots. Since I fall in the really high risk area I have to get a "swine flu" shot as well. Nevy and Jose will both have to get one too. So I'm trying to space the shots out as far as I can buy getting the flu shot early.

Well thats it for now. I'll update again when I know more. Thanks for sticking with us everyone. I know this pregnancy seems to be flying by (well for everyone but ME! lol) and I will try to keep you up to date on all that is going on.

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