Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blah Blah Blah....yeah lol

It's been a really long week. I'm sorry it's taken so long to post again. The days just seem to fly by.

I'm happy to say we pulled off the Twins Baptism without any problems. Everything went great & the girls got TONS of clothes! Which were soooooo needed! So THANK YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH! The kids really enjoyed the party as well. Nevy spent most of the day in the air jump jump lol. They were so tired they slept until 11am the next day. Yeah I was shocked!

I can't believe the twins will be turing 6 months in a week! Half a year ALREADY! It's crazy to think about. I do miss them being little but then again I love them at this age. The are up most of the day & love to laugh. They are such silly kids. When I lay them down at night next to each other they will hold hands and "talk" to each other until they fall alseep or some times they will pull each others hair until one cries lol! I love seeing them interact. It's so darn cute. My favorite is when they just look at each other & smile back and forth.

Well Arianna will be starting physical therapy next week. Easter seals came out & her neck & back muscles rate at the 1-2 month old mark. She has over all low muscle tone but her neck it the worst. She cant hold it up long and gets tired very easy. It's times like that when I really regret them being twins. I love my girls but if I had to do it all over again I probably would have only put one embryo in at a time. Since we had lost Nevy's twin early on I was scared that if we only did one I would miscarry it but my girls are strong & both stuck around. With Ari being twin A she was on the bottom which means Celi was sitting on her most of the time. She was always in a weird breech position which might be why she never developed enough muscle tone. I'm just happy she is getting help now. I hate seeing the gap between them grow so fast.

Araceli is my rock star! lol She is just a funny baby! She laughs for NO reason at all! She sits there and cracks up at herself. She loves to talk (yes she's her Mama's baby!). She now tries to get her kness up under her while doing tummy time. I think she is going to be crawling in the next month or so. She can be so stubborn though (yes truly a Mama's girl lol)she hardly ever rolls anymore b/c she knows I want her too! She such a brat sometimes! She really loves her sisters. I can tell she will be the "care giver" of my kids. If Ari or Nevy cry she will stick out her bottom lip & start crying with them. If Ari is laying by her she'll even try reaching out to touch her face like saying "it's ok sis I'm here". It's just heart breaking to see her do that. It's so sweet!

Nevy is getting SO excited about the new house. I think she's reached her end with living with my grandparents. Dont get me wrong they are so good to her but they are getting old and cant tolerate as much as they use to. So a lot of stuff I let slide they dont & she gets mad at them lol. Yeah she's a spoiled 1st what can I say. Every time we come home she asks "Can we go to the new house? I want to go in Nevy's room!" I feel so bad b/c I know she wants to have her own space again. We have been waiting on our final permit which we should have Monday. I'm hoping to live there Monday night! Which I just realized is tomorrow lol. Ya I know I'm slow sometimes.

As for me.... I saw my REI wed. & the game plan is what I though it would be....a statin, metformin & birth control. I hope this is the 3 punch my PCOS needs to get under control. I do have to go in for some more blood tests this Wed. before we start the treatment & I also have an ultrasound on my liver that day but we are pretty sure everything is fine. I cant wait for everything to be under control so I can start to drop some more weight. I stopped a few months ago when I was having issues with my Iron, breastfeeding & liver problems b/c I didnt know if that was making it worse. When I stopped I did get a bump in my supply for awhile. So I think it was effecting that. Though it no longer matters b/c I did stop breastfeeding a few weeks ago. My suppy was really going bye bye and I could not keep taking Reglan to keep up with it. So I decided to stop. I'm proud that I made it to 5 months though. Thats longer then I did with Nevy.

Ok well I'm off to finish packing our last few things & help Jose start moving them next door. It's going to be so nice to have a house to ourselves again....yet it's a little scary to finally be alone with all 3 kids.....GOD SAVE ME! lol

Well until next time!



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